APLA Invoicing


Notice to Suppliers

After thoughtful review of the supplier experience, we are making the following changes to our support options:

  • We will only support English for the APLA region, with the exception of Japan and Korea.
  • For any written communications to us, you are encouraged to use English for the best experience (except for Japan and Korea). You can continue to use your preferred non-English language, but please note this may lead to longer response times and our responses will be in English.

We believe diversity and inclusion drives innovation. In alignment with this approach, Nike prefers a base of suppliers that actively and significantly support our business requirements. Starting September 2022, APLA is transitioning to Coupa for Purchase Orders (POs) and electronic invoicing. All suppliers are required to submit their invoices electronically via the Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP). Failure to do so may lead to cancellations of POs and/or delays in payment.

APLA is inclusive of the following countries/regions:

  • Mexico
  • Brazil
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Japan
  • Korea
  • Singapore
  • Indonesia
  • Thailand
  • Philippines
  • Malaysia - for the new Malaysian Inland Revenue Board (IRB) e-invoice requirements, please use the information below:
  • Buyer's TIN: C 4887401090
  • Buyer's Business Registration Number: 199001007138
  • Malaysia Standard Industry Classification (MSIC):  46416
  • Buyer's SST Registration Number (if SST registered): N/A
  • Buyer's Email Address: add your NIKE business point of contact
  • Buyer's Contact Number: add your NIKE business point of contact
  • Sri Lanka
  • Vietnam
  • India

For the inclusive list of the legal entity names and corresponding Nike company codes, please click here.

Invoicing requirements

In certain geos, you may be required to shift to a digital invoice and/or send us a digital invoice copy in addition to the original invoice. We will reach out to the impacted groups before the change is implemented.

When submitting a digital invoice copy via email, please note the following guidelines:


  • Each email, including the attachment(s), should be less or equal to 10MB. 
    Emails greater than 10MB will get automatically rejected.

  • Invoice documents should be submitted as PDF attachments to the email. 
    Files with any other extension will be automatically attached as a supporting document if submitted along with a PDF.

    For example:
    If 1 PDF & 1 Word (.doc/.docx) document is attached, the PDF will be considered the invoice and the Word document will be attached along with the original email sent as a supporting document.

  • Emails whose attachments have invalid file extensions will be rejected.
    Invalid file types:
     .eml, .tiff, .tif, .xlk, .gif, .sig, .p7s, .png, .txt, .ppt, .csv, .jpg, .jpeg, .dat, .xades, .xml,.rtf, .isdoc, .bin, .DBF, .vcf, .exe.

  • Do not attach the same document with different extensions. 

  • Multiple attachments should be avoided. 
    An email should contain only 1 invoice (in PDF format). E-mails with attachments of a total page count less than 50 are preferred. Single documents should contain a max of 10 pages.

  • Attachments that are password protected or have a pop up will be rejected.
    For example:
    Spreadsheets with security warnings due to macros, linked workbook/worksheet, filters etc.

  • Encrypted or zipped files will be rejected. 


  • Logo and digital signatures should be removed from the mail body.
  • Avoid using special characters such as "\t", "\n", "\", "  ", "<", ">", "|" and “OUT OF OFFICE” in the subject line. If such characters are present, the document will get automatically rejected. 
  • Avoid using special characters in the filename (",", "/", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "'", "\", "(", ")", "|", "[", “] “). If such characters are present, the document will get automatically rejected.
  • Do not attach the same documents with the same extensions but with different names.
  • Documents to be submitted with white background and text in black color. This results in proper readability and correct processing.
  • Background of the attachments must not be black or colored as it will result in poor quality output, which affects readability and processing.
  • Images should be in black and white with a minimum DPI of 300 and should not exceed standard A4 (8.2”X11.6”) size as it results in poor quality output, which affects readability and proper processing.
  • Fonts preferred in the attachment/invoice are Arial, Times New Roman, and Calibri.
  • Handwritten texts to be avoided in documents.
  • Vertical/rotated text selection to be avoided in documents.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you don’t see the answer to your question or need further assistance, contact your local Nike Coupa Support Team.

  • How will Coupa impact the way Nike works with suppliers? / Coupaは、Nikeとサプライヤーとの連携にどのようなインパクトをもたらしますか?/ Coupa는 나이키가 공급업체와 협업하는 방식에 어떤 영향을 주나요?  

    To take full advantage of the platform and enable electronic transactions to flow to and from suppliers, all NIKE suppliers will be enabled in Coupa at no cost to them. The Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP) is a free tool for our suppliers to use and easily do business with NIKE. Coupa will ease the way you do business with NIKE.

    このプラットフォームを最大限に活用してサプライヤーと電子取引できるようにするため、Nikeの全サプライヤーは無償でCoupaを利用できるようになります。Coupaサプライヤーポータル(CSP)は、NIKEと簡単に取引できるように、サプライヤーが無料で使用できるツールです。 Coupaを使用すると、NIKEとのビジネスを円滑に進められるようになります。

    플랫폼을 최대한 활용하고 공급업체와의 전자 거래를 원활하게 진행할 수 있도록 Coupa에 모든 나이키 공급업체가 무료로 활성화됩니다. Coupa 공급업체 포털(CSP)은 공급업체가 나이키와 업무를 쉽게 수행할 수 있도록 지원하는 무료 도구입니다. Coupa를 사용하면 나이키와의 업무가 더 쉬워집니다.

  • Are suppliers required to sign up to the Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP)? / サプライヤーはCSPにサインアップする必要がありますか?/ 공급업체는 CSP에 등록해야 하나요?

    Yes. Coupa will be the sole platform for transacting with NIKE for indirect spend. All purchase orders and invoices will flow through Coupa.


    그렇습니다. Coupa는 간접 지출과 관련하여 나이키와 거래하는 유일한 플랫폼입니다. 구매 주문 및 인보이스는 모두 Coupa를 통해 처리됩니다.

  • How do I set up my CSP account? / CSPのアカウントはどうすれば設定できますか?/ CSP 계정을 어떻게 설정해야 하나요? 

    Please make sure you have updated your Aravo "Company Email Address" and "Bank Account" details as this integrates directly with Coupa.

    1. if you are an existing supplier: your CSP invitation was sent to the "Company Email Address" on your Aravo profile. For more help, reach out to your local Aravo support team.
    2. If you are a new supplier: Please onboard with NIKE via your local NIKE business contact.


    1. 既存のサプライヤーの場合: CSPへの招待状が、Aravoのプロフィールの「会社のメールアドレス」に送信されました。詳細については、お近くのAravoサポートチームまでお問い合わせください  

    2. 新規サプライヤーの場合: NIKEのビジネス担当者を通じて、NIKEサプライヤーの一員になってください  

    Aravo ‘회사 이메일 주소’ 및 ‘은행 계좌’ 세부 정보가 업데이트되어 있는지 확인하세요.  

    1. 기존 공급업체인 경우: CSP 초대장이 Aravo 프로필에 등록된 ‘회사 이메일 주소’로 전송되었습니다. 추가 지원이 필요한 경우 현지 Aravo 지원 팀에 문의하세요  

    2. 신규 공급업체인 경우: 나이키 비즈니스 담당자를 통해 나이키 온보딩을 진행하시기 바랍니다.  

  • How do I register if I am a national account with multiple users? / ユーザーが複数いるナショナルアカウントの場合、どのように登録すればよいですか?/ 사용자가 여러 명인 국가 계정인 경우 어떻게 등록해야 하나요? 

    If you are transacting with NIKE in multiple locations, it is extremely important to use your company’s primary contact email address when you register for Coupa. Please follow these steps:

    1. Confirm your “Company Email Address” in Aravo (NIKE’s Supplier Information Management system). CSP invitations will be sent to this email address
    2. Add additional users across your locations who require access to your CSP account. These users have full visibility into your PO queue, invoice, and payment status. Please reference the Quick Reference Guide on how to add users here.


    1. Aravo(NIKEのサプライヤー情報管理システム)で、「会社のメールアドレス」を確認します。CSPへの招待状はこのメールアドレスに届きます   

    2. CSPアカウントにアクセスする必要があるユーザーを、全拠点に追加します。追加すると、そのユーザーはあらゆるPOキュー、請求書、支払い状況に目を通せるようになります。ユーザーの追加方法については、こちらのクイックリファレンスガイドを参照してください。

    여러 지역에서 나이키와 거래하고 있는 경우 Coupa에 등록할 때 회사의 주요 담당자 이메일 주소를 사용하는 것이 매우 중요합니다. 다음 단계에 따라 진행하세요.   

    1. Aravo(나이키의 공급업체 정보 관리 시스템)에서 ‘회사 이메일 주소’를 확인하세요. CSP 초대장이 이 이메일 주소로 전송됩니다.   

    2. 지역에 따라 CSP 계정에 액세스해야 하는 사용자를 추가합니다. 이러한 사용자는 PO 대기열, 인보이스, 결제 상태를 모두 확인할 수 있습니다. 사용자를 추가하는 방법을 알아보려면 여기에서 빠른 참조 가이드를 참조하세요. 

  • Where can I sign into the Coupa Supplier Portal? / Coupaサプライヤーポータル(CSP)へのサインイン方法を教えてください。/ 어디에서 Coupa 공급업체 포털(CSP)에 로그인할 수 있나요? 

    You can sign in to the CSP here


    여기에서 CSP에 로그인할 수 있습니다.  

  • Which APLA Nike Entities are live on Coupa?/ どのAPLA Nike事業体がCoupaを使用していますか?/ Coupa에서는 어떤 APLA 나이키 법인체를 확인할 수 있나요?

    Please view the full list of APLA entities live on Coupa here. If you need entities outside of APLA, please contact your respective NIKE Coupa Support Contact listed below.

    Coupaを使用している全APLA事業体のリストについては、こちらでご確認ください。APLA以外の事業体が必要な場合は、以下の適切なNIKE Coupaサポート窓口までご連絡ください。

    Coupa에서 확인할 수 있는 APLA 법인체의 전체 목록은 여기를 참조하세요. APLA 외부의 법인체가 필요한 경우 아래에 나와 있는 나이키 Coupa 지원 담당자에게 문의하세요. 

  • What is the difference between a PO backed invoice and a non-PO backed invoice? / PO付き請求書とPOなしの請求書の違いは何ですか?/ PO 있는 인보이스와 PO 없는 인보이스의 차이점은 무엇인가요? 

    A PO (purchase order) backed invoice is an invoice raised by the supplier based on the purchase order created by the NIKE requester. Non-PO backed invoices are those invoicesraised by the supplier that does not have a purchase order associated with it. All invoices greater than $5k USD require a purchase order according to NIKE policy. If you did not get a PO for purchases over $5k USD, please contact your NIKE contact who placed the order with you.


    PO(구매 주문) 있는 인보이스는 나이키 요청자가 생성한 구매 주문을 기반으로 공급업체가 제출한 인보이스입니다. PO 없는 인보이스는 관련 구매 주문 없이 공급업체가 제출한 인보이스입니다. 미화 $5,000를 초과하는 인보이스에는 모두 나이키 정책에 따라 구매 주문이 필요합니다. 미화 $5,000를 초과하는 제품에 대한 PO를 받지 못한 경우 해당 주문을 진행한 나이키 담당자에게 문의하세요. 


* local language supported


  • For Coupa Support, please visit the Coupa Success Portal
    For example: you need to replace your CSP admin who has left your company

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